• CEO coaching co-founder resolution

    Executive Coaching

    Our core offering is executive coaching for CEOs and their teams. Engagements are structured as 2x per month 90-minute sessions in-person or online. We provide 360 reviews, dual coaching for co-founders, live conflict resolution/moderation, and communication skills training. When Peter Corbett is not the right coaching fit, we can refer you to other top-tier coaches.

  • expert facilitator ceo coach


    On a monthly basis, Peter serves as an expert facilitator for dozens of CEOs and executives. These engagements range from monthly recurring CEO peer groups (like YPO Forums and Hampton Core Groups) to custom retreats for mindful leadership training with dozens of leaders in attendance for several days. If you need an expert facilitator related to leadership, creativity, innovation, and/or mindfulness, reach out.

  • executive workshops retreats special projects

    Advisory & Special Projects

    Sometimes you need a dedicated advisor so you can create your next big thing. Peter brings creativity, technology, capital formation and management expertise to bear for these kinds of assignments.

    Or sometimes leaders have emergencies - like when a key executive is failing and needs a kick in the ass / a big coaching boost to get back on track, but a couple of hours won’t do it. Peter has spent his career helping leaders reboot/rebuild so they can get back to work more effectively. The format is totally custom.